I remember once at a book study in '05 there was another business owner present and we went over how we should all be keeping our lives simple as the end could be coming any time and to be ready. The conductor and himself commented on how this could apply to us personally and what plans or other could we cancel or forget about with regards to this. Well the conductor bought a fifth wheel camper for his 'business' and the business owner type sold his small weld shop building and invested in anew high tech building to expand his business into other markets such as pharma sheet metal so as to pass on the business to his grown kids. That and a new hall was planned and built the same year, with 'Jehovah' is getting s people ready for the tribulation by erecting and renovating buildings to house his loyal ones during the great day of his fury. Oh and all the while this was happening this guy was building himself a new palatial stone faced trendy home.
At that meting I commented on how I would forgo building a much needed small one car garage at home as the end was coming soon and I could build one in the new system anyway.
As they say you can't make this stuff up..